DPLC stands for Domestic Private Leased Circuit, we are provided with WAN (Wide Area Network) connection among two or more branches within the country.


1. Transport data securely via a dedicated end-to-end facility.

2. Managed capacity over nationwide core /metro transport and IP network infrastructure to ensure higher reliable bandwidth.

3. Dedicated service on a point-to-point circuit enabling end-to-end transportation of high capacity transmission speed with variety of interfaces ranging from E1, FE, GE, STM-n, 10GE, OTU-n to 100GE

4. Employing ASON (Automatically Switched Optical Network) based multiple optical path protection to ensure high network availability.

5. Low latency connectivity suitable for high performance applications

6. Networks with latest ROADM/OTN and MPLS-TP technology and 100G based platforms in core and metro networks


Fast One is the largest provider of domestic leased line services, ensuring maximum reach nationwide (Core/Metro)

Fast One offers DPLC services that guarantee network uptime as high as 99.9% thus ensuring to meet your business-critical needs

Centralized Network Operation Center (NOC) controls and monitors network performance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, non-stop.

Implementing stringent SLA management to ensure high-quality service delivery and customer satisfaction.

On-line Trouble Ticketing and O&M support through a dedicated Carrier Services Desk (CSD)

Who Should Use DPLC

Small and Medium sized companies

Large corporate

Hotels, banks

Government offices, Embassies, NGOS

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